Sometimes there are no correct tickets for a complex wager type (IE Pick 4,5,6 or Super Hi-5) at the end of a race. A carryover occurs If the track holds the money wagered, and includes it in the pool the next time that wager type is offered.
Every track has its own set of policies regarding wagers with no correct bets:
- Some will pay out the pool to whomever came closest to a winning bet.
- Some will carryover the entire pool.
- Some will pay out a percentage of the pool and carryover the rest.
This depends on the track and the wager type.
There are three different types of Carryovers:
- Traditional Carryover:
- If there is no winning ticket(s), the pool will carry-over to the next racing day.
- If the same wager type as the carryover is offered in 2 races the next racing day, the carryover will typically be the later of the 2 races.
- Example: A Pick 5 is offered in race 2 and race 7. The Pick 5 Carryover will typically be in race 7.
- Tracks may also decide to do a consolation payout as well as a carryover.
- The Consolation payout is typically paid out for 3 of 4 correct on a Pick 4, 4 of 5 correct on a Pick 5, and 5 of 6 correct on a Pick 6.
- If the same wager type as the carryover is offered in 2 races the next racing day, the carryover will typically be the later of the 2 races.
- If there is no winning ticket(s), the pool will carry-over to the next racing day.
- Rolling Carryover:
- Rolling Carryovers are offered on wager types that are typically available in multiple races in the same day, such as a Super Hi-5.
- If there are no winners, the pool will carry-over to the next race that offers that wager type, and continue to do so until the pool has winner(s).
- If there are no winners in the last race of the day, the pool will carry over to race 1 of the next racing day and continue in every race until there are winner(s).
- Jackpot Carryover:
- Only a single winning ticket will collect the total Jackpot pool.
- Jackpot Carryovers are typically offered on Super Hi-5, Pick 5, and Pick 6 wagers.
- If there are multiple winning tickets (multiple players have 5 of 5 correct on a Pick 5 or 6 of 6 correct on a Pick 6):
- The track sets aside a percentage of the pool to be carried over to the next racing day this wager type is offered (this pool is called the Jackpot pool and is reserved for 1 single winning ticket).
- The remainder of the pool is paid out to all winning tickets.
- Typically 70% is paid to winning tickets and 30% added to the Jackpot carryover.
Mandatory Payout – a track can announce a mandatory payout on a specific racing day.
- This means the track will be paying out the entire pool to all winning tickets – there will be no carryover no matter what.
- When there is a mandatory payout, the “single winner” rule is not applied for Jackpot wagers. If no one has a correct winning ticket, whoever is closest will receive the entire pool including any Jackpot pool.
- Mandatory payouts are most common on a track’s final day of their meet.