Here is a list of Equipment abbrevations. Some may no longer be in use or commonly used although the equipment is.
1 Running W's
2 Screens
3 Shields
A aluminum pads
B blinkers
BP Breast Plate
BT Bit
Bx Box
C mud calks
CC Cornell Collar
CPF Cheek Pieces Off
CPN Cheek Pieces On
D Glued Shoes
DB D Bit
DNB Drop Noseband
DRB D Ring Bit
E Inner Rims
F front bandages
F8 Figure 8 Noseband
G goggles
H hood
I Inserts
J Aluminum Pad
K flipping halter
L bar shoes
M Block
N no whip
O blinkers off
OW Outside walk
P Pads
Q nasal strip off
R bar shoe
RB Ring Bit
S nasal strip
SR Shadow Roll
T Turndowns
U Spurs
V cheek piece
W no hind shoes
WA Walk
w queen's plate shoes
X cheek piece off
Y no shoes
Z tongue tie